Weekly Fix Contest

Exclusively on HuntAddicts.com

weekly_fixtHuntAddicts.com’s “Weekly Fix” is an ongoing photo contest featured on the HuntAddict.com Homepage. Weekly submissions are reviewed by the HuntAddicts team and one is selected to be the featured “Weekly Fix.” These weekly winners will be entered into a monthly drawing for prizes. Submit your photos and a short story by visiting our submissions page and filling out the upload form, or email us at: submissions@huntaddicts.com.

Click here to view photos previously featured as the “Weekly Fix.

*Please include images in .jpeg format in high resolution. (Greater than 300kb) Text may be submitted in a word document, or as simple text in your email.

**Note: New images and drawings may not be dispayed every week, depending on amount of submissions, or if it is hunting season. (We won’t be able to update the site from on the mountain). Prizes will be announced at a later date.