As a kid, Dad and I would always put in for Antelope together. We’d typically spend a single day hunting. I’d often be tagged out by 9 am, and then we’d drive around for a few hours until Dad would take one in the mid afternoon. Then we’d drive home — after all it was archery elk season and we’d rather spend our available time doing that. Antelope hunting was always a fun hunt that we shared, but Elk hunting was always our priority.
This year is a bit of a throwback as I decided to spend my points on the same unit that Dad and I hunted when I lived in Wyoming. This isn’t known as one of Wyoming’s trophy units, but the population numbers are always good and it is rare to go more than 20 minutes without seeing a buck. Antelope hunting in Wyoming can be as hard as you make it, and this year I wanted to devote a few more days, including some “spot and stalk” hunting with bow in hand.
Wyoming has always been one of my favorite states to hunt — probably because it is where I first hunted. The country is familiar and opportunity is abundant. For and extra few dollars we can hunt the archery season and when the rifle season comes along, can pick-up the guns. This weekend Ben and I decided to head out to the unit to get our feelers out for some better than average bucks, and bring our bows along for fun. After all — spot and stalk Antelope hunting has a reputation of being very challenging, but something I had never tried. Dad came over the mountain as well, as he drew a tag.
We arrived friday evening with just enough light to look over a few herds across a large sagebrush flat where I’d taken several bucks in the past. Standing in the short sage brought back a lot of great memories hunting with Dad. I’m sure this hunt, when it’s all said and done, will be another chapter of great memories hunting with family and close friends.
I won’t get heavy into the details of the hunt up to this point as I’ll be posting a video of this hunt later. We hit it hard all day — heat waves made glassing difficult most of the day, but we managed to screw up some great stalks and found a few above average bucks for the rifle hit list. I will say that I’m addicted. Spot and Stalk Pronghorn hunting is a blast!
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